Saturday, 19 May 2012

Just a little bit of crap for You

So today i logged into blogger and, for some reason, people in Canada have been mostly reading my blog?? urmm okay. Not like I'm Canadianist or anything... but i just found it pretty damn random. So that's all. Just a hello to my viewers that are Canadian... aye?

Here's some photos of Penny and Pumba... Theyre best friends....cute...aye.

Monday, 14 May 2012


Okay, so I've completely forgot about a set of photo's. Not to long ago my Mum gave me her really REALLY old Pentax camera (which i now love!) and i took some photo's with it. DUH Some are edited... most not.. I think they turned out alright. You decide, Okay?

Monday, 7 May 2012

Oh Hey Hey Hey

So, urmm... I haven't been on in a while. I've been busy? Sorry. So my first year of college is over Waheyyyyy, I have done SO much sewing and photo editing I'm pretty sure I'm going blind. Meh, you only live once. So now I've finished College, i have ... spare time. SOOO i thought i would edit up some of my photographs. They re a bit edgy because my computer is seriously lagging (this sentence took about 5... yeah 5 minutes.) But... HERE THEY ARE ! Smiley face. Hopefully you will like them, if not... sorry? yeah OK here they are ... uploading now... nearly there.