Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Oh Amy...

Okay...okay. So i bought the new Amy whinehouse album, and before i tell you more may i just say i am a mahoosive fan of the late Amy Whinehouse. her new album is amazing to say the least, with a mixture of new tracks and originals of previous tracks. listening to Amy's Cd is like listening to her life. SO... buy it ? all the proceeds go to the Amy Whinehouse foundation. EGG-CELENT?!? It''s seriously beautiful, trust my opinion?

You WHAT !?!

So i was watching most annoying 2011, and no other than John Galliano came 13th...ooh.. burn? After he got arrested for being a racist, the show then cussed his sexuality and his attitude... DAMN! during the video he turns to a poor random girl, babbles on about hitler and blurts "AND YOU ARE!?!" cough...cough..  i still love his clothes and ...
<--- HIS HAT. but not cool Johnny boy... not cool. Kate Moss was also in it, but that's understandable, right?

Sunday, 25 December 2011

Merry Christmas !

So happy Christmas me lovelys ! I do always leave everything till last minute (11:47 only 13 minutes left :/ ) but I thought I'd share some of the goooooddd "stuff?" I was bought... Awe yeah ! So nĂºmero UNO my GAGA BOOK! May not be the most expensive but by far the best surprise... Why you ask? I LOVE GAGA! possibly the most interesting woman on earth? And she worshipped McQueen? Duh! This book is somewhat of a photo diary of Gaga's last four years to fame, and it's all captured by the egg-celent Terry Richardson! Whatareyouusayin! This book has some serious intimate and random photos, and I, and everyone else, LU-HUVE it. I also got my new camera, Sony NEX 5, it's brill-I-ant!! Thank you Santa! And thank you advancement in DSLRs. Sooo... Yeah? Pretty good favourite presents, I did get other things but a) I don't want to bore you and b) I'm too tired to explain ! So merry Christmas! I will up date tomorrow, promise. I've got so
Much to say!
P.s sorry about the quality of this blog, I am on my I phone, download the blogger app!
P double-S sorry bout the photo, I phone quality... Damn!

Monday, 12 December 2011

Move on Elizabeth

so.. for my textile project i am doing "organic forms"... SAVE THE WWORLD ! always fun. So i went on to the WWW and found a beautiful Mcqueen dress. Who loves Mcqueen? I love Mcqueen ! I DO I DO I DO! (cough cough) anyway ... yeah so i decided to base my cape.. (were aloud to make a cape,scarf or skirt ( supplies at college are limited, so it would one short skirt!) so i chose cape) sorry bout the brackets within brackets,  on this stunning dress and shoes.


Isn't the detail stunning! Elizabeth... PLEASE just get out of Mcqueens seat.

Monday, 5 December 2011


My Mum bought me and her platinum tickets (yes i went with my mum, and? she loved it) so we got seats pretty much at the front. After half an hour of goggling i even got a sneaky kiss cooed towards me by BB.The actual show was egg-celent. AND it had my all time favourite male model BB starring in it! The show cleverly (i thought it was clever) used a department store idea to show case all the different "areas" ,dare i say, of the department store. My favourite part was the men's underwear, BB in Calvin Klein ? Yes please! But on a serious note i was extremely impressed, and I'm hard to impress. But anyway? Jesus i talk allot here are the photos i took: discretion advised, very sexy half naked men alert.

Add caption

i really do apologise for the layout of my images. I'm really really rubbish at it, the move and jiggle everywhere except for where i want them to go... anyway feel free to comment on my just down right rubbish skills.

Coca-cola and Company photo shoot

Here are my photos from the catwalk. I'm not going to lie, I'm actually pretty proud of them some of them. So don't be afraid to tell me what you think!

 Hail Britannia, coca-cola rules the world

How clever of company to colour cod their clothes to Coca-cola. I love the frilly, dainty look of the outfits. Mary had a little lamb? BAAAH. The outfits were mostly white lace with red accessories. the accessories, to me, give the outfits an attitude, some OOMPH .. But anyway, tell me what you think ! all of my the one person that reads this. i love you by the way.

The camera i used was a Olympus DSLR, and although a fantabulous camera, you could not change the shutter speed so i had to take multiple photos of each model to get the right position... Worth it? I THINK SO. In case you re wondering i set the lighting to fluorescent and the exposure to +3. Apart from that the photos aren't edited. Take THAT professional photographer who persistently tried to stand in my way.